Tuesday 16 April 2013

My Music magazine Front Cover

 My final front cover

This is my final music magazine front cover after all of my edits to it. I am pleased with they way it has come out, i feel that is portraying a clear genre (indie/rock)

The Process Of Making My Front Cover
First i started off by doing research into the typical indie/rock magazines. I wanted get a feel for what style and techniques they use. I was going to use the information i gathered to help influence my work. 

Steps To The Creation Of My Front Cover
                           Step 1
The first step was choosing a main cover photo from my photo shoot.
                           Step 2
The next step was for me to choose a suitable font for my title. I had to pick from a range of styles i liked the most.

I tired out each title out to see which one suited well and looked best with my cover photo. Once i had made that choice i had to place it on my cover in to most suitable place.
I found this title worked well as it was big and bold, making it clear that it was the masthead. However it was to over powering that it took all the attention away you still noticed everything else on the page.

                                Step 3 
Adding in the essentials. Every magazine must contain a barcode, price, date and issue number. I felt for my magazine it would be best suited in the bottom left third of the magazine. I also put it there because if it was on the shelf in a shop that would be the side see and its important for people to know the price of a magazine.  Also to see what issue number it is so they can see it they already have the copy or not.
                            Step 4
My next step was to add in my cover lines. I need to remember to include one which lined to my double page spread. The whole time i was adding cover line i need to make sure that they where all genre related. Otherwise it would be unclear of my magazine style and not be aiming at the right target audience. 

                         Step 5
The next step for me was adding in more picture and puff and pugs to make my magazine more interesting and convincing for the reader to buy. Also i need to include more as with out it my front cover would be to bland and boring. I had the lay out of my magazine fit for the selling process. i had most of the prizes and what can get in this magazine don the left third. I picked to have one of my puff with a dark read background, this made it stand out because it was contrasting to the black & white of the rest of the front cover. 

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