Tuesday, 16 April 2013

How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?

For my music magazine i need to address young adults and teenagers. So i need to make things apply to them. 

Front cover


For my front cover I thought I would have the main colours as black and white. This is because I feel it gives it a more interesting   look, stand out because of its simplicity. On my front cover I decided to you two different artists. First one being John Lennon then secondly I used Arctic Monkeys. I have chosen two different style of artists, this was so I could appeal to more people. For the ones who like the old rock and others who like the newer sounds. I have kept everything clear and simple for example a masthead and short cover lines, this is because I know that a lot of young people don't like to read mass amounts.


For my contents page i went for a very rock based look. I used lots of images of guitars, this creates a clear image of the genre. Guitars are very much commonly played by the fans of indie rock music so it links with there common interests. I also have contained images of festivals as that is seen to be a common thing for the younger rock fans to do.

Double page spread

Indie people are seen to wear vintage and unique clothing, so for my double page spread i had my model we an old vintage jumper to fit in with the genre. I also had her pose in a classic rock position, so people can see and recognise what she is doing. Around the edge of my page i created a floral boarder to match my festival theme.

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