Tuesday 16 April 2013

My Music Magazine Double Page Spread

My final Double page spread
I had chosen to do my double page spread on a festival review. I decided this as i feel i could pick a festival with was indie rock so it would match my genre perfectly. 

 The Process Of Making My Front Cover

                           Step 1
The first step for me was choosing a right boarder. From the start i had always wanted to have a floral border. This is also why i chose to do a festival review as the flowers would link well. I like the way my border came out i feel it provides a nice summery theme and boosts it in colour so the black and white doesn't become to repetitive.

                         Step 2
The next stage for me was fitting in my title. I need to think about where i placed it on the page so it i didn't clash with the spacing of my writing or photo.

                    Step 3 
The next step was for me to find a photo for my double page spread. One that linked with my music genre, festival theme and could be placed on the page well.Here is the original photo i took:
However because the background of my double page spread is white i need to edit out the background so i would fit to the page. 
Once that was done all that was left was to put in on my spread, making sure it was in a suitable slot for when i added text on to the page.

                       Step 3
The last thing that i needed to do was to type up my writing and then place it onto my page. I decided to have my writing in 3 columns going down the page as i thought this layout looked most professional. 

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