Friday 21 December 2012


Key terms for media studies:

  • Sign- The signifier and  signified together are what makes up a sign. 
  • Semiotic-The reading and understandings of signs. 
  • Signifier-The object we make connections from, the denotation. 
  • signified- The things we connect with the image/object, the connotations. 
  • Denotation-Is a litteral definition of something. 
  • Connotation-What we make links to when we see certain images, e.g. a heart we think of love.
  • Cultural Psyche-  Its what you signified and it makes up our identity. 
  • Genre- The class or catagary a text is put into e.g. horror, comedy, romance. 
  • Masthead- The title of a newspaper or magazine at the head of the front or editorial. 
  • Cover line- A short sentence that highlights the magazines contents. 
  • Tag Line-A catchphrase or slogan, esp. as used in advertising , or the punchline of a joke.
  • Plug- Information about the contents of a magazine or newspaper given on the front cover.
  • Puff-Words or phrases on the cover of a magazine to boost its status. 
  • Barcode-Strip of bars printed on covers. Used to track sales by retailers
  • Alliteration-The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
  • Left Third-  Graphics that take up the left third of the screen.

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